Monday, February 6, 2012

Doug coil machine resources

Warning! See a doctor before subjecting yourself to electromagnetic fields*! 

(*Excluding, of course, the perfectly safe EMF from your house wiring, your cell phone, your television, your computer, your car's engine, florescent bulbs, WiFi hotspots, cell towers, radio and TV stations, military radar, high tension lines, and other approved and highly profitable sources of EMF.)

As it says in my disclaimer, I'm not a doctor. I'm only sharing my personal experiences. In case someone might be crazy enough to try experimenting with a Doug coil machine (or any type of Rife machine) like I've done, I've created a list of some resources I found interesting.

Before an ordinary person, lunatic or otherwise, were to build or buy a coil machine, or experiment with any type of Rife machine, it would seem prudent to do some research. I started with Bryan Rosner's excellent book, Lime Disease and Rife Machines.

When I was wondering what exactly a Doug coil machine is, I found What's a coil machine? to be quite helpful. This is part of a fascinating and meticulously maintained blog by a woman who has been experimenting with a Doug coil machine since January 2011. I also like her unscientific explanation of how a coil machine might kill pathogens. The video of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge is particularly graphic. Don't let young children or pets watch it without supervision.

I also loved Bryan Rosner's interview with Doug MacLean, inventor of the Doug coil machine. His story is quite inspiring.

Last but not least, I experienced a sharp stab of malicious joy while watching some spirochetes being stunned into stillness by the EMF generated by a Doug coil machine. If you are reckless enough to watch this video, keep an eye on the corkscrew-shaped microbes. Poor little things.

A New Direction: Coiling for Lyme

Going over to the Dark ... er, Lunatic Fringe Side.

By now you have probably heard about the collapse of XMRV research by Judy Mikovits and the Whittemore Peterson Institute. If you haven't, details of the whole sordid story are available at X Rx Blog and Phoenix Rising, among many other sources.

The news of this disaster came at a very bad time for me. In the fall of 2009, samples of my blood submitted to IgeneX came back positive for Lyme disease and Bartonella. I opted to try an acupuncture and herbal treatment regime with Tim Scott.

Through the winter of '09-10, I had some improvement, but was still far from well. In the spring, after stopping the homepathic and acupuncture treatments, I had a short period of feeling much better, but then I deteriorated dramatically. My symptoms escalated, and a new symptom, severe dizziness, emerged.

By late summer 2010 I was no longer able to even do my own grocery shopping. The very limited social activities I'd been able to engage in (mainly occasional lunches with friends) came to an end. As you can imagine, these new developments were very discouraging. I'd been sick since late 1994, but I had always believed on some level that I would get well, that somehow or other I would find a way to recover. This new major progression of the illness destroyed that belief.